Downtown Project Scramble - Hunt Details

Downtown Project Scramble

Explore the new Downtown Las Vegas

Covid-19 Update:
The Downtown Container Park may be closed. Please check their website ahead of time for the latest information.

This family-friendly hunt takes place in the exciting and vibrant new Downtown Project area of Las Vegas. Clues can be solved by searching for information in the Downtown Container Park and the Fremont East Entertainment District.

The hunt takes one to two hours, and includes about a half mile of easy walking. While the clues are suitable for teens or adults, an adult must accompany minors while inside the Container Park.

If you have any questions about this hunt, please contact Shinteki by email at

Location: Las Vegas, NV
Created By: Shinteki
Duration: about 2 hours
Team Size: up to 4
Language: English

This hunt is not currently available for sale.